The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
School of Humanities and Sciences
Division of Humanities: Literature
Literature Related Courses
HUMA 1300 (2201, 113) Introduction to Western Literature
Course description:
This course will introduce students to methods of reading modern western literary texts in English. Its focus is on fiction and poetry. Students will learn to analyze the artistic and imaginative use of language and develop the ability to think critically. This course provides a “big picture” survey of revolution and modern literature. We focus on key revolutionary moments in the history of Western countries. Texts chosen will be those exploring the varied cultural connotations of revolution and the relationship between literature and politics. Since literature is a window on culture and humanity, the course aims to deepen students’ understanding of people from different cultures and the complexity of life.
Reading materials/scope of work:
a selection of modern Western fiction and poetry in English
survey of revolution and modern literature; the varied cultural connotations of revolution and the relationship between literature and politics