The University of Hong Kong
School of English
English Studies
Literature Related Courses
ENGL1043 An introduction to 20th-century English poetry
Course description:
This course will introduce poems by such major 20th-century poets as T.S. Eliot, W.H. Auden, Dylan Thomas, Philip Larkin, Ted Hughes and Seamus Heaney as well as work by other English poets. The poems have been chosen not just for their intrinsic merits, but also to illustrate the patterns of sound, syntax, tone and figurative language poets use to achieve their effects. The classes will not be lectures on poetry but close readings and discussion of individual poems.
Reading materials/scope of work:
poems by major 20th -century poets as T.S. Eliot, W.H. Auden, Dylan Thomas, Philip Larkin, Ted Hughes and Seamus Heaney as well as work by other English poets.
the patterns of sound, syntax, tone and figurative language poets use to achieve their effects